#container orchestration

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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Kubernetes & its Role in AI: Orchestrating End-to-End AI Pipelines - Amazic

AI and Kubernetes are integral in modern tech with increasing global AI spending; Kubernetes essential for AI innovation and efficiency. [ more ]
2 months ago

Getting Started with Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration technology managed by CNCF.
Key concepts in Kubernetes include Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, and Nodes. [ more ]
2 months ago

Boosting Security for Kubernetes: An In-Depth Look at Protecting the Networking Stack with Calico - Amazic

Kubernetes is industry standard for container orchestration
Calico is popular for networking security in Kubernetes [ more ]
4 months ago

Kubernetes 1.29 Released with KMS V2 Improvements and nftables Support

The latest release of Kubernetes 1.29 introduces new features and enhancements like load balancer IP mode, mutable pod resources for Windows containers, and nftables for kube-proxy.
Features like sidecar containers and node lifecycle controller separation have been promoted to beta in this release.
In-tree integrations with cloud providers have been removed and the kube-proxy backend has been switched to nftables for improved performance. [ more ]
2 months ago

Scaleway shows off new RISC-V devices at Kubecon

Scaleway showcasing RISC-V servers at Kubecon Europe 2024.
Service enables RISC-V experimentation without the need for customer investments in hardware. [ more ]
6 months ago

What Makes Kubernetes Agile

Kubernetes involves collaboration among individuals at various stages, such as choosing a host cloud platform and an application platform.
Kubernetes prioritizes working software with its decoupled, microservices-based architecture that allows for upgrades without downtime.
Users can set scheduling and resource usage in Kubernetes to customize their clusters. [ more ]
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